Paramount+’s ‘Mayor of Kingstown‘ is a crime drama series created by Taylor Sheridan and Hugh Dillon. In the second season, Mike McLusky (Jeremy Renner) faces his sternest test as he tries to deal with the aftermath of the prison riots. As the second season hurtles to an emphatic conclusion, Mike is forced into a conflict with Bunny. In the conflict, Hamish Allan-Headley’s Robert Sawyer takes a major beating and could be the first casualty of an impending war. If you are wondering whether Robert is dead and Hamish Allan-Headley is leaving ‘Mayor of Kingstown,’ here is everything you need to know! SPOILERS AHEAD!
Is Robert Dead?
Robert Sawyer is introduced in the series premiere episode, titled ‘The Mayor of Kingstown.’ He is a police sergeant and the leader of an elite team of Kingstown SWAT officers. He was stationed in Afghanistan during his time as a former Army Special Forces soldier. However, in the present, Robert is a family man and seems dedicated to protecting the streets of Kingstown, Michigan. Robert is also not afraid to take matters into his own hands and can be brutally violent while approaching potentially dangerous situations. Therefore, it is no surprise that his past actions come to haunt Robert in the show’s second season.
In the first season finale, Robert’s SWAT team works to extract Mike and Ian from the Tent City prison during the riots. In the process, the team kills several inmates until the National Guard arrives. In the second season, Robert and his team are under investigation by Internal Affairs because of the inmate deaths during the riots. However, Ian succeeds in convincing the whistleblower to drop the case.
In the ninth episode, titled ‘Peace in the Valley,’ Robert and Mike disagree after Mike accuses him of killing the whistleblower. Meanwhile, Deverin “Bunny” Washington executes his plan for revenge after his gang members die in the prison riots. The Crips gang attacks Robert while he is returning home from the gym. The episode ends with Mike finding Robert in a near-death situation. The ending seemingly suggests that Robert is dead, and we do not see him breathing or moving after Mike finds him. Thus, it seems likely that Robert is dead.
Is Hamish Allan-Headley Leaving Mayor of Kingstown?
In ‘Mayor of Kingstown,’ actor Hamish Allan-Headley essays the role of Robert Sawyer since the first season. Allan-Headley is primarily known for his appearances in shows such as ‘The Good Doctor,’ ‘FBI,’ and ‘City on a Hill,’ among others. However, Allan-Headley’s role as Robert Swayer is his first major television acting credit. The actor is credited as a series regular for the first and second seasons of ‘Mayor of Kingstown.’ Therefore, killing off Robert would certainly be a big move from the writers and conclude Allan-Headley’s time on the show. Neither Allan-Headley nor the show’s makers have hinted at the actor’s exit from the series.
However, in the first season, James Jordan’s Ed Simmons was killed off surprisingly to up the stakes near the season’s end. It seems like the writers might be taking a similar route with Allan-Headley’s character. The season 2 finale, titled ‘Little Green Ant,’ confirms that Robert is still alive. However, he is on life support, and his chances of survival are bleak. At present, Allan-Headley has not announced his involvement in any future projects. While Robert may survive the attack on his life, his death could significantly impact the season’s overarching story. Ultimately, only time will tell whether Hamish Allan Headley’s time as Robert Swayer on the show is ending.