In the Dark is a CW series that revolves around Murphy (Perry Mattfeld), a blind woman who discovers the body of her friend Tyson (Thamela Mpumlwana) and sets out to find his killer. However, the truth is not what she expects, and the person who murdered Tyson is someone she knows very well. In this article, we will reveal who killed Tyson in In the Dark and why.
The Murder of Tyson Parker
Tyson Parker was a teenage boy who befriended Murphy after he saved her from a mugging. He was a kind and loyal friend who helped Murphy cope with her blindness and her alcoholism. He also worked as a drug dealer for a crime boss named Nia (Nicki Micheaux), who ran a liquor store as a front for her illegal activities.
One night, Murphy stumbled upon Tyson’s body in an alley, and felt his cold and lifeless face. She smelled a strange odor of smoke or something on him, and realized that he was dead. She tried to call for help, but no one answered. She left to find the police, but when she came back, Tyson’s body was gone.
Murphy was determined to find out what happened to Tyson, and who killed him. She enlisted the help of her friends Jess (Brooke Markham) and Felix (Morgan Krantz), and her love interest Max (Casey Deidrick), who was also a drug dealer working for Nia. She also met Dean (Rich Sommer), a cop who was assigned to Tyson’s case. Dean had a daughter, Chloe (Calle Walton), who was also blind, and Murphy became a mentor and a friend to her.
The Killer Revealed
As Murphy investigated Tyson’s murder, she uncovered a web of secrets, lies, and corruption. She learned that Tyson was involved in a liquor store shooting that Nia orchestrated, and that he knew that Dean was a dirty cop who worked for Nia. She also learned that Tyson was not a snitch, as everyone believed, but that he was framed by Dean to protect his own crimes.
The shocking twist came in the season finale, when Murphy realized that Dean was the one who killed Tyson. She recognized the scent of his cigars as the same one she smelled on Tyson’s body. She confronted Dean, who confessed everything to her.
According to Distractify, Dean was blackmailed by Nia to drop the case against her after the liquor store shooting, in exchange for money to pay for Chloe’s surgeries. Tyson found out about Dean’s involvement, and asked him to tell the truth to his friend Wesley, who was in jail for a possession charge and thought that Tyson snitched on him. Dean refused, and Tyson threatened to expose him. Dean then strangled Tyson, and put his body in his car, thinking he was dead. However, Tyson woke up and screamed, and Dean shot him in the head.
Murphy pretended to forgive Dean, but she secretly recorded his confession and sent it to the cloud. She then fought with Dean in his car, which resulted in a car crash. Murphy survived, but Dean was badly injured and unconscious. Murphy told him that he was done, and that she would make sure that he paid for what he did to Tyson.
The Aftermath
In the Dark has been renewed for a second season, which will explore the consequences of Dean’s actions and Murphy’s quest for justice. According to Refinery29, the show will also introduce new characters, such as Josh (Theodore Bhat), a blind lawyer who will help Murphy with her legal troubles, and Ben (Chris Perfetti), a food truck owner who will catch Murphy’s eye.
The show will also continue to explore the themes of blindness, disability, and representation. According to In the Dark Wiki, the show features actors who are actually blind or visually impaired, such as Mattfeld, Walton, and Bhat. The show also aims to portray blindness realistically, and to challenge the stereotypes and misconceptions about blind people.
Is Tyson dead in In the Dark? Yes, he is, and his killer is someone who Murphy trusted and cared for. But his death is not the end of his story, as Murphy will honor his memory and seek justice for him. In the Dark is a show that will keep you guessing, and keep you hooked.