How old is Pep Guardiola? When is Pep Guardiola's birthday? Where is Pep Guardiola born? Where did Pep Guardiola grow up from? What's Pep Guardiola's age?
Pep Guardiola Born: January 18, 1971 (age 52years), Santpedor, Spain
Is Pep Guardiola married? When did Pep Guardiola get married? Who's Pep Guardiola's married to? (Who's Pep Guardiola's husband / wife)?
Pep Guardiola Spouse: Cristina Serra (m. 2014)
Does Pep Guardiola have any children? What are the names of Pep Guardiola's children? What are the ages of Pep Guardiola's children?
Pep Guardiola Children: Maria Guardiola, Marius Guardiola
How tall is Pep Guardiola in meters or centimeters?
Pep Guardiola Height: 5 11
How about Pep Guardiola's position?
Pep Guardiola Position: Midfielder
How about Pep Guardiola's picked date?
Pep Guardiola Picked date: 2005 (Dorados de Sinaloa), MORE
How about Pep Guardiola's teams coached?
Pep Guardiola Teams coached: Manchester City F.C. (Association football manager, since 2016), MORE
Why did Pep leave Barca?
Mourinho and Guardiola have faced off 25 times, but Guardiola has had a better head-to-head record. Guardiola won 12 times compared to Mourinho's 7. To put things in perspective, Guardiola won 48% of his matches against Mourinho. The Portuguese, on the other hand, won just 28%.
How many titles has Pep Guardiola won?
Mourinho and Guardiola have faced off 25 times, but Guardiola has had a better head-to-head record. Guardiola won 12 times compared to Mourinho's 7. To put things in perspective, Guardiola won 48% of his matches against Mourinho. The Portuguese, on the other hand, won just 28%.
How many trophies has Pep Guardiola won with Man City?
Mourinho and Guardiola have faced off 25 times, but Guardiola has had a better head-to-head record. Guardiola won 12 times compared to Mourinho's 7. To put things in perspective, Guardiola won 48% of his matches against Mourinho. The Portuguese, on the other hand, won just 28%.
Who is better Jose Mourinho and Pep Guardiola?
Mourinho and Guardiola have faced off 25 times, but Guardiola has had a better head-to-head record. Guardiola won 12 times compared to Mourinho's 7. To put things in perspective, Guardiola won 48% of his matches against Mourinho. The Portuguese, on the other hand, won just 28%.