Fame | Pep Guardiola net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Pep Guardiola? When is Pep Guardiola's birthday? Where is Pep Guardiola born? Where did Pep Guardiola grow up from? What's Pep Guardiola's age? Pep Guardiola Born: January 18, 1971 (age 52years), Santpedor, Spain

How old is Pep Guardiola? When is Pep Guardiola's birthday? Where is Pep Guardiola born? Where did Pep Guardiola grow up from? What's Pep Guardiola's age?

Pep Guardiola Born: January 18, 1971 (age 52years), Santpedor, Spain

Is Pep Guardiola married? When did Pep Guardiola get married? Who's Pep Guardiola's married to? (Who's Pep Guardiola's husband / wife)?

Pep Guardiola Spouse: Cristina Serra (m. 2014)

Does Pep Guardiola have any children? What are the names of Pep Guardiola's children? What are the ages of Pep Guardiola's children?

Pep Guardiola Children: Maria Guardiola, Marius Guardiola

How tall is Pep Guardiola in meters or centimeters?

Pep Guardiola Height: 5 11

How about Pep Guardiola's position?

Pep Guardiola Position: Midfielder

How about Pep Guardiola's picked date?

Pep Guardiola Picked date: 2005 (Dorados de Sinaloa), MORE

How about Pep Guardiola's teams coached?

Pep Guardiola Teams coached: Manchester City F.C. (Association football manager, since 2016), MORE

Why did Pep leave Barca?

Mourinho and Guardiola have faced off 25 times, but Guardiola has had a better head-to-head record. Guardiola won 12 times compared to Mourinho's 7. To put things in perspective, Guardiola won 48% of his matches against Mourinho. The Portuguese, on the other hand, won just 28%.

How many titles has Pep Guardiola won?

Mourinho and Guardiola have faced off 25 times, but Guardiola has had a better head-to-head record. Guardiola won 12 times compared to Mourinho's 7. To put things in perspective, Guardiola won 48% of his matches against Mourinho. The Portuguese, on the other hand, won just 28%.

How many trophies has Pep Guardiola won with Man City?

Mourinho and Guardiola have faced off 25 times, but Guardiola has had a better head-to-head record. Guardiola won 12 times compared to Mourinho's 7. To put things in perspective, Guardiola won 48% of his matches against Mourinho. The Portuguese, on the other hand, won just 28%.

Who is better Jose Mourinho and Pep Guardiola?

Mourinho and Guardiola have faced off 25 times, but Guardiola has had a better head-to-head record. Guardiola won 12 times compared to Mourinho's 7. To put things in perspective, Guardiola won 48% of his matches against Mourinho. The Portuguese, on the other hand, won just 28%.

