Friday was International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and it was observed in genuine reflection by most people around the globe. However, there was one anime artist who felt the need to spew antisemitism through their art on the very day that the world is calling for respect and to honor the six million Jewish victims.
Recommended VideosAt first sight, the anime art from the artist Khyle is of two characters in front of Auschwitz, the concentration camp where over a million Jews were killed between 1940 and 1945. One character, known as Anya, is holding a copy of Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl who was a holocaust survivor. The other character is wiping tears from Anya’s eyes with the caption, “She doesn’t want to go to school.”
Some fans might look at the art and miss the Holocaust reference, or they might think it’s Khyle’s way of honoring the victims. That couldn’t be further from the truth, when a quick glance at Khyle’s work shows that they’re usually out to get attention through shock. A pinned tweet on Khyle’s Twitter reads, “Support my attrocities.”
It has more than shocked viewers when they saw it and realized the meaning behind it.
The book in Anya’s arm is hard to read unless the picture is blown up, but a few educated and detail-oriented individuals were able to clue everyone else in on what it was.
Some Twitter users seem to be completely missing the sarcastic and irreverent intentions of the caption.
And some observers really didn’t know what they were looking at until it was explained to them.
If only we lived in a world where trolls didn’t use the worst days to spew their cracked sense of humor and attention-getting energy all over the internet. The sad thing is Khyle is getting the attention they crave.